
Before you judge me, let me declare that I proudly suck at poetry. Me writing such ones are only an attempt at satirizing the new breeds of poets- the FB poets- by aping them in the most ridiculous way possible. (See also-http://creativelyfertile.blogspot.com/2009/06/depressing-life_09.html)

So here's Fuck- a 3 am creativity. I know not many would get this one so here's my attempt at explanation- this one's about a dweeby guy talking about his abrupt break up. If you still don't get it, bah, I don't blame you. Go back to Facebook, you need those poems.


There was a lilt in my step and the world seemed my hay,

I actually laughed when I heard a donkey bray,

It was then that my eyes lay on you,

Coo, I wondered, why am I turning muthafucking blue?

Was it coz at me you were smiling,

For the first time in my life, a hottie’s face I was shining,

But then I should blush red, shouldn’t that be the case?

Blah, maybe there’re just too many veins on my face.

Should I go closer, do I take my chance, I do?

Your smile only widened, cock a doodle doo,

She seems so nice; I gotta have this chick,

She’s baring no fangs; maybe she’s not even a bitch.

Words tumbled, pictures crumbled, the world seemed to stare,

As an uglyass douche came up to a chick with ba-donka-donks size of King Lear.

“Hello,” I said, “What is your name please?”

“Cut the game dude,” you said, “and fuck the tease.”

“I like you, I like you, I like you,” you said thrice,

Rocketing me on a Red Bull high, this for real O fuckin Christ?

“You look like my ass crack, but you do seem wise.”

Yay, there’s still hope for nerd twerps; bitches don’t always hate a vice.

“Shall we go for a movie,” she asked me,

“Hell yeah, baby,” and I added a “Whee!”

“That shit’s gay,” she said, “let’s not do that, shall we?”

“Okay dokay,” I said, “anything for you niggy.”

10 days later you dumped me.


Don’t get it, do you?

Neither do I.


Brickbats are most welcome. They only widen my grin!

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